Organisational Constellations

Solopreneurs • Business Owners • Top Management • Organisations • Project Teams • Collaboration Groups • Self Driven Professionals

“The Only Constant Is Change”


Change is a natural given. Constant change is the norm on which every organisation is predicated to live, survive and potentially thrive. How you show up in change is not a given, has not been decided in advanced, it’s rather determinative by your own understanding of how to be.

You might frequently find yourself investing a lot of precious energy facing the change that comes to your business and your work. Consenting to change means to embrace deeply into all of your systems the evolutionary characteristics of all organising principles that become available to you from a natural state of being.

Looking at the natural state of being as an inspiration and not as an obstacle you can find yourself tuned into a process that happens by itself; in this process you do not have to do, work, figure or manage anything. The intelligence of your organisation or system arranges itself. Once ready to see, listen and follow the intelligence of change, the pathway is self-revealed.

The aim is to establish organisations deeply rooted into their existence who remember their past and remain open for the future. A constellation is a very powerful tool to see how to move within the energy of change and to recognize what is emerging for your organization and your work in the world, aspiring to your new optimum state.

What is an Organisational Constellation?

An Organisational Constellation is a systemic approach that understands organisations as living systems. Like all living systems, they can be vital and healthy or disturbed and blocked. When the organisation is healthy, you can experience it as a vibrant place, where there is enough strength to pursue its goals, where the vision is shared and leaders know exactly what their role is to make the system move forward. When is not at a state of balance and sustainability, you can feel the tension, confusion, struggle, and sense of being lost.

Organisational Constellations help you to discover and explore entrenched patterns and dynamics inside your organisation which weaken the organisation as a whole, bringing forward new solutions to restore harmony and balance in the system. As a guiding principle, they encourage businesses to spatially represent their internal elements, whether teams, individuals, or processes. This visual mapping allows for a profound experiential exploration of the underlying dynamics at play. It enables the situation to be seen within its entire context, illuminating the understanding of which elements are effective and functioning and which are disruptive, quickly increasing the level of awareness of the current situation, fostering inner alignment.

With this “living map” Organisational Constellations address these issues in a practical and non-academic way and help you to establish the source of a problem in a short time. A particular benefit of constellation work is its time efficiency, as it is within the session that you arrive to clarity and develop possible strategies for a solution, including the concrete next steps. Because everything is ultimately connected, working with a systemic view through the application of Organisational Constellations supports the development of new ways of not only viewing, but also interacting with the world for greater effectiveness and impact.

What is it for? How can this help me and my business and my work?

Your business and work problems are to a large extent symptoms of a deeper systemic imbalance. An Organisational Constellation will reveal the root cause of your systemic imbalance and give you the much-needed road map to restructure all affected aspects of your business.

Blocks to success and problems in your organization can manifest in a multitude of ways. For example the company does not have an adequate development, the clients disappear, it is not possible to innovate the products, the employees are in permanent and destructive conflict, the merger of two companies does not allow the business to develop, the employees leave without any real reason, the knowledge from training does not stick, organisational change approaches do not manage to overcome the resistance, internal communication strategies create more cynicism than clarity, the communication breakdown persists, gender inequality is not reversed, newly established innovation corners in the company remain empty, there is a lack of engagement and event motivational measures do not bring greater engagement, implementation of new business systems fail, and many more.

The methodology of constellations is a great way to tap into the subconscious level and retrieve information that is normally not available to you because it is rarely about the skills and capabilities of people leading strategic movements of change. It is about something else that remains hidden. A constellation illuminates what is really going on and where to start by looking at the system as a whole and using the capacity of the human being to represent behaviors and emotions belonging to systems of others. It is essentially about making the diagnosis and analysing alternatives for a possible change, with the purpose for helping you to discover the best strategies to implement the solutions found for your work and your business.


It is a great intuitive management method to use with complex or repetitive problems. It can be used to analise, clarify and to solve any organisational or business issue. It can shed light on leadership dynamics, conflict resolution, and relationships between different stakeholders or team members. It can be used for better strategy definition and business coherence and to test several strategic options with the company and its clients, including the potential clients, a new market, to decide on the new aspect of a product or a brand. It can provide valuable insights and support the right decision-making process, optimizing it through clear communication and strengthened team bonds. It is very useful as preparation of negotiations, integration after merger or acquisition of a company, project management. It can enhance interpersonal skills such as communication and conflict resolution between all involved stakeholders, leaders, colleagues, customers, partners, etc. It can initiate a mindset of success amongst involved stakeholders, thereby focusing on goal achievement, whilst working with an elevated team spirit. It can ensure that the changes needed by the organisation and the team are sustainable and visibly implemented. It can help unleash creativity, get new ideas, see things from a fresh perspective, implement fruitful and lasting organisational structures, cultures and goals. It can sharpen your intuition and perception skills. It can be a fun tool to help a group build empathy and understanding by pooling their shared experience.

Areas in which an Organisational Consellation is the ideal solution include:

  • organisational structure, rethinking the organisational structures, levels of hierarchy, teams, processes and new positions, verifying the consistency of a structure within an organization, preparing for restructuring or integration after restructuring, mergers and acquisitions, reorganizations, family companies dynamics, transition from a family business to corporation, handing business to the next generation
  • marketing, brand, what marketing channels to use, which products to develop, identifying why sales are dropping, launching a new product or service in the market, which are interesting new markets
  • company operational diagnosis, diagnosing the root cause of complex or repetitive problems, creating better alignment between individual parts in the company, resolving organisational disorders, patterns and conflicts in projects and teams, the lack of communication between departments
  • leadership, changing the overall leadership style, introducing new culture, nurturing positive patterns such as co-operation, collective decision making, empathy, and self-management
  • vision, corporate governance, company success
  • resistance to change, testing the efficiency of important steps or changes in an organisation (structure, strategies, projects, outsourcing, staffing, product portfolio, customers, etc.)
  • defining and developing a strategy for an organisation, difficulties to create a new strategy, strategic business planning
  • goal setting, insufficient commitment to organisational goals
  • entering a new market
  • preparation of negotiations
  • team building and resolving problems in teams, continuously frictions between teams or individuals
  • repeated issues in the business such as drop in sales, lack of clarity on the right strategy, high or excessive staff/employee turnover, low employee morale, etc
  • conflicts management, there are one or more “rebels” within the organization, when there is a conflict and the source is uncertain or doesn’t appear to make sense
  • when you sense there is something wrong, but cannot put your finger on. feeling stuck and lacking energy, high amount of burn out cases in the organisation
  • project management, project analysis, project assessments
  • brands and products
  • recruitment and executive search, which candidate is the best fit for your team, employees recognition
  • relationship issues with customers, suppliers, partners
  • layoff of employees, high absenteeism and measurements about it don’t work
  • customer satisfaction, low flow of customers, not getting the right customers, customers keep canceling meetings or keep postponing the decision to buy from my business
  • financial situation, delays in payment, customers are not paying
  • supporting decision-making in all the business areas
  • managers concerns and the need for practical solutions that are effective to treat each of the above topics
  • investments, acquisitions
  • creating a new company
  • reconnecting with the Soul of the organisation or business

This method help us co-create the next generation of organisations and businesses based on wholeness, evolutionary purpose and self-management. The method is quick and moves in several steps from diagnosis to resolution. And because there is no need to disclose detailed information about the organisation or the issue at stake, confidentiality is also guaranteed. It is also a very powerful personal development tool for any member of a working ecosystem. Ultimately, improvement of and moving forward with your organization and your work is actually a soul searching process. This process can help you reconnect with the Soul of your business and your entire work in the world and align with its vision, power and wisdom. It is about allowing your highest good to become a reality of this world.

What should I expect after an Organisational Constellation?

Once an Organisational Constellation is completed your perception of your issue has changed. The deep level of accuracy of an Organisational Constellation offers exceptional clarity and consciousness of the behavioral patterns that needed to be released.

By looking “behind the scenes” or “under the surface” and understanding the undercurrents that are at play at the energetic level, you can examine how these energies operate and relate to each other and explore how they can become aligned and represent the best possible scenario for your business. Inputs from this process will enable you to make real time changes in your existing structure in all spheres of your business. You can now take a truly new course of action with self-awareness and self-compassion and develop new structures, values, ideas, orientation, solutions, projects etc, so that the business and your work can achieve the desired outcome.

The advantage over regular business consultancy is that this process works with an inside-outside approach as a foundation for sustainable change. This process complements other conventional organisation-development plans and strategies by giving you the additional perspective of invisible dynamics that could either bolster or derail the conventional interventions.

How is it done?

An Organisational Constellation starts with your question regarding your business or work issues, which opens up an initial exploratory conversation and with your permission we start the process. The situation is then spatially displayed, in person or online. The managers, employees, departments, units, products, goals, a market, a marketing strategy, the reason the company was founded, the money of the company, the seat of the company, the critical elements of a project, branding elements of a product etc, are portrayed by people, who are then positioned intuitively in a room. In individual settings playmobil are used to visually represent the situation related to the request.

Once they are set in the space and they start sensing the situation and follow their inner movements, the underlying patterns emerge and the hidden dynamics of the organisation or team are shown. With facilitation harmony is invited back to the systems involved, awareness is being enhanced and insights are being shown. Then a path to a solution emerges and at a deeper level the whole system is been reorganized and a new reality is being created.

The process is highly intelligent integrating all elements available and relevant to the request, whether rational, cognitive, intuitive or emotional. At the end you are left with a clear picture of the real situation, the possible solution or the path to find the solution, full of energy released to take those new necessary steps. An Organisational Constellation can be done for all the organization or the company, for different departments or teams, for a specific theme or even as mentoring before an important meeting.

Who is it for?

The constellation approach is useful in many different business settings including companies, large and small organisations, non-profit organisations, solopreneurs and entrepreneurs, family owned and run businesses. It is ideal for business owners who are experiencing some kind of block or stagnation in their business despite all their efforts. Since most of the systemic work in an orginisation is carried with managers and department leaders, it is for senior management, top executive and leaders who would like to explore the dynamics in their teams and departments pursuing the company or organisation success. It is also used for individuals so they can recognize their position in the company or the organisation, clarify their goals and objectives, make better decisions, answer whether to stay or leave, or start something of their own, find balance between professional and personal life and all other work related matters. It is for every member of a business or an organization who wants to build an understanding of the nature of the cycle of joining, belonging and leaving in the working realm.

And finally do I really need it?

You don’t really need an Organisational Constellation if you handle all of the changes into your business or work place with ease and inner peace. You don’t need it if all your business needs are met and all your work goals are achieved. You don’t need it if your company is thriving and the challenges in the futures trouble you not. You don’t need it you see adaptation as a mere response to external forces, rather an actively seeking and even dancing with change. You don’t need it if you are not interested in navigating the complexities of your business cosmos by welcoming new integrations. You don’t need it if you have things figured out and know exactly who you are and what to do with your business or work. You don’t need it if you don’t embrace the notion that extraordinary performance requires extraordinary process facilitation. You do not need if you have mastered the art of welcoming the unknown in life and work.

Book a Session

Changes always have an impact. It doesn’t matter if they were perceived as positive, neutral. To help yourself and your business to adapt in the fastest, more efficient and proven way possible, explore the possibilities with your first session of an Organisational Constellation.

The first session usually lasts between 1.5 and 2 hours.

All who feel the calling are welcome!

“Yeoryia facilitated an Organizational Constellation with me to address the systemic issue of stalled membership growth in a Speaking and Leadership Organization for which I was President. I had never experienced this approach to organizational problem solving and embraced the experience with openness and curiosity. Through her unique process, she uncovered hidden emotional issues which were energetically holding my club back from achieving the desired success. Once the actions that arose from the Organizational Constellation were implemented by myself and my team, success was achieved in a very short time! In only 3 months, we miraculously achieved the needed 70% growth in membership!! I was amazed and thrilled that such a small time investment was able to shift the energy and transform our ability to achieve the desired result. I am grateful for having the opportunity to collaborate with such an amazing coach and saying “Yes” to the Organizational Constellation. I highly recommend Yeoryia and her Organizational Constellation approach to removing the obstacles to success.”
Gail Taylor-Smith
Former Corporate Executive, Business Coach, California, US