Any day now; the nucleus is under pressure. It’s been like that for years but now some parts of the core periphery are under collapse. The power nests in the core; external forces push for a break up, so all that large concentrations of power fall into chunks, separate in individual parts with less and less power, hoping that the nucleus will be corrupted and surrender to the substance or frequency and certainly the scope of the external force.
Those aware of the divide and conquer strategy will foster relationships and promote ideas or influence a way of thinking that sets out of focus the priority of guarding vital powers of the system. With a great understanding of the people’s way of thinking a strategy of divide and conquer can erupt.
A successful such strategy will always look to eventually control the physical and material but also the emotional and noetic personal resources, of the small minded, the ill-hearted, the weaker individuals or the mass thinkers without permission to originality and questioning, to all those who like to follow what they perceive as above them, as something that has a status of a larger power.
Slowly, steadily, quietly, and finally irreversibly, till disunity is manifested.
Retrospectively, if we look to all disasters, pandemias, physical hardships, social uprights, political movements, even relationship issues, when the pressure that has been enforced in the individual parts has reached the core of the parts, disunity has been created.
That also means that the core is no more integer, has lost its own identity and is now susceptible to all other forces. Very fragile and very uncertain of its own survival potentials, will seek to compromise more and follow without resistance any promise land of comfort and ease, after such a strong experience of its own dichotomy.
What if you don’t want to see yourself surrendering to forces that corrupt your core, that jeopardize the integrity of your values nested in your inner self? What if you are very conscientious of your identity of values, beliefs, principles and choices that happen to be a minority when in a society of majority ruling but are of absolute surviving nature to the only life you have in this world, your life.
Lately, worldwide people in most democratically governed counties are slowly forced, pushed and obliged to make a hard choice; although public health is a recognized universal value so is the right of self-determination of all aspects of personality, including personal health.
I witness the ongoing disunity that is expanding form country to country as the most dangerous ‘Divide and Conquer’ effect of a virus, currently operating on Earth. The collective reaction of the ruling majority based on numbers of people agreeing to a certain pattern of behaviour dictates what is considered logical, socially acceptable or sane.
Few people witness that over time, more people will die because we allow this dichotomy of thinking and we disempower our immune system by all the hate and anger we accumulate when people on the streets, in our transportation, on our offices are not interpreting or following or agreeing to the same behaviour of prevention or mitigation of a potential transmission of a virus that nobody knows upfront if and how could affect or harm our vital functions. And few question whether this is a valid rational argument to build national strategies of exclusion of people when softer and compatible to general hygiene rules can still be in place at no peril for the general public.
Personally, I have felt my health being in danger more because οf the petty levels of personal consideration and freedom of self-determination that are universally allowed and how easily and with modest contrariety totalitarian mandates of a uniform rationale under sanctions of dismissal or direct exclusion of social existence are passed.
No natural force of nature, whatever form or shape has taken has ever upset or harmed me more than the forces of humans deciding for humans in our usual divide and conquer style. And personally, my need, my absolute necessity and priority is the medicine, the healing to our divide and conquer perception of what is a good human life on Earth; what is that we need to consider our new way and what levels of inclusivity and understanding we will storytell; for us and for whomever will survive this universal or any personal adversity.