Green parrots

Green parrots

Fuzzy Red Boots
Green parrots They appeared sometime in spring, some years ago. Only a couple of them at first, then a flock. They are exotic green with beautiful details of red and blue on their heads, curved beaks and turned-out toes. I could not but focus on their appearance as they forced me to stand of my desktop and walked to the balcony to admire their singing-talking. The visits became frequent and for many weeks, which only later I realized that they were actually months and months, they became the most trusted friends. Always on time, around one hour before sunset, depending on the season and always staying for ten or so minutes. Never more. They fly to the neighborhood and then they sit only on top branches. They are so light…
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A Thirty Minutes Trip to Home

A Thirty Minutes Trip to Home

Fuzzy Red Boots
It takes thirty minutes a day to go to “Kallipolis”. Kallipolis, is the ideal city state governed by a philosopher king, an ideal heaven of wisdom and reason. An ideal inner state of being. It first appears in Plato’s work, a 5th century BC Greek philosopher, famously known for his Socratic Dialogues, Platonic Ideas and Allegories, for whom it has been said “all of western philosophy is but a footnote to Plato”. In his monumental work “The Republic”, (“Politeia”, in Greek), a political Bible so to speak, he introduces the definition of the 5 fundamental regimes to be found in any sovereign country until today. Aristocracy, Timocracy, Oligarcy, Democracy and Tyranny. He then connects the nature of each regime with his tripartire theory of the soul, the LSA. Our soul…
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