Fuzzy Red Boots - The Movement to Life is a holistic approach to every day movements of personal and business expansion through the Wisdom of Life Field
It helps you navigate and evolve your Presence through Spiritual, Organisational, Speaking and Reconciliation experiential training and personal support.
It offers Spiritual Healing and Spiritual Constellations to heal systemic blockages, intergenerational traumas and existential imprints to allow your highest life trajectory.
If you are a solopreneur or the owner or the manager of a business, it addresses and resolves the unseen but profound true causes of your business disarray and solidifies a return to a healthy and growing state.
It presents tools and training to discover and start using your Authentic Voice to speak up your Truth and to communicate your ideas, visions and desires in a way that you are being understood, received and heard.
It presents also innovative solutions to inner and group conflicts and entanglements that do not allow growth, expansion or success, applying wisdom from the Creative Intelligence Field of Life.